You know, there is so much going on around blogdom. I feel that I am really missing out because I don’t have time to read and interact. I skim through things, glance at the comments, and then I must get out of blogdom before I can properly read and digest anything ... let alone make a comment! For example, over here at
this blog, there is some very interesting posting going on. I actually read the latest entry, but the lengthier articles forbode me because of my lack of time. Like this one:
here, by Antonio. I just love the title of it and I am sure I could find some way to disagree with him, or maybe not. hehe
Over at
the Bluecollar Blog, Mark is going through extended efforts to post a complete sermon by Spurgeon. I believe he was prompted to do this because on
this post, which I found quite disturbing, Brian (Bhedr) posted a portion of Spurgeon's sermon to illustrate a point contrary to the post. Apparently, Mark thinks that Brian took the long quote out of context and that Spurgeon (his homeboy) was really in the Lordship camp. So, Mark is posting the entire sermon to prove his point. I wish I could read it! I do like a lot of Spurgeon's sermons, but where is the time? These blogs are so full of words and they take many minutes to read and reflect on.
Then, at another blog that I visit occasionally, I saw a post last week that prompted me to comment because
1. It was a short post
2. The conundrum presented was so easy!In a rare moment of agreement on these issues, Daniel commented that he thought I was right after I posted my comment. (One Calvinist commenter was really left scratching his head.) Since then, I am sure the other shoe has dropped and I would not be so easy to agree with, but
do I have time to read Daniel's long posts? Here is a listing of them:
How It Happens..., Carnal Christianity Part I - False Converts, Romans Seven..., Carnal Christianity Part II and Carnal Christianity Part III. Man, I wish I did!
Over at Doxoblogy, Jeremy posts that
only Calvinists can have peace in the midst of trials. He seems to think that "Arminians" (by which I am sure he means any non-Calvinist) do not know about the sovereignty of God, his protection, and the fact that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Now, that was a short post, posted while he is on a cruise ship with James White, Steve Camp and others. (
Ah! The lightbulb just went on. I think I know where that post came from.) I could've commented easily, but Jeremy doesn't respond to my jabs anymore ... and that just takes all the fun out of it!
Over at this blog,
Antonio has been writing some posts that are interesting sounding:
Will All True Christians be Presented Blameless at the Judgment Seat of Christ? And …
Is Eternal Security an Optional Component of the Gospel? I am certain that these would make me think and that I may have a few comments to make, agreeable ... or maybe not? We'll never know because I don't have the time to read the posts!
I noticed that KC responded to Antonio about eternal security and the knowledge of it being essential to salvation, over
here, which I am sure would be a good read as well, but NO! I have no time to read these blogs which require so much time and contemplation. I don't have it right now!
I am having a baby in 6 weeks (or less, hopefully less) and I feel like my life is about to become very crazy and that I will be "chained to the baby", having no time to do anything. I always feel this way at this point in a pregnancy. I have a list of many thing to do. Some of these things are things that I have put off for even 3 years! Suddenly, over the past month, I have entered panic mode and I feel like I must get it all done before the baby comes. Crazy, I know.
Remember the
bathroom that John and I were tearing out and remodeling?
It has been done for about a month, (boy did that take a long time!), but I still have to make the window treatment (valance) for it. Look, here sits the fabric, just waiting for me.

I have taken some time in the last month to work on the baby's room. I painted it with a green wash. Obviously, there is still some more work to do in there.

Yesterday, I caulked all the windows in the house. This was another project that I had put off since July. It was only an interior cosmetic caulk job!
Perhaps the biggest of all my projects is SCRAPBOOKING! I keep one scrapbook for each of our three children .... and one to keep for myself when they grow up and leave, taking their own books. These books are like a history, or a survey of their lives from year to year. I was THREE YEARS BEHIND on these things! Sheesh, I was almost starting to forget what some of the pictures were! Well, I am about halfway done with catching their books up.

Oh, I found an
interesting new blog. I wish I could read it thoroughly! It seems this guy and Antonio have some history together. It is neat to skim the comments going back and forth between the two of them and others jumping in also. Gojira is his screen name. He also posted a response to one of Antonio's entries on his own blog.
This blog is the one thing I CAN do. His posts are light-hearted and very short. I visit and comment almost daily because it is do-able. I have that much time, yes. I love the chap.
There are many other great blogs that I haven't mentioned, which I also miss.
Hopefully, I will get caught up on my projects soon. I will be back around your blogs!
I am still be posting here, seldom as it may be.Don't be surprised if I pop over to your blog and say hi. After the baby is born and I get in the swing of it, I am sure I will be back to more intense reading and commenting! I love blogging, I do.