Give me a greeting when you visit. I appreciate nice-ness.
You can address another blogger ... and even disagree with them, that is fine. All I ask is that you leave censure and hand-slapping to me.
Speak up ... about the posts.
Be nice!
Earl - As I write, teach Sunday School, I think of people like you in my audience. It gives me a sanity check of what I am saying. Would what I say pass the "crap" or sanity check of you or others that I know?
Todd - With blogs like this one there is plenty to be hopeful for in the blogsphere.
Matthew - Its nice to read an edifying Christian blog ... You are so level-headed.
Mark - You're real! The blogosphere needs more real people like you around.
Loren - I'll bet you stay up late nights thinking about all the theology that must be swimming through your head. I just want to say that it's great to see the ways in which God is challenging you, and using you to minister through your blog. The things you, and others here, have shared, are very thought provoking!
Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
Rose~NW Ohio, USA
I am 43 and I have 4 kids and a husband. I am trying to live life wisely and learn more about the ways of God. I am too intolerant for the doctrine dissers and too lovey-dovey for the ultra-separatist pugnacious types.View my complete profile
I hope you recovered it. Are you thinking about blogging again?
Glenn, at 2/06/2020 10:53 AM
Probably not. Geez, it's been so long. I'm 53 but my profile is all wrong. I hope I can figure out how to edit the HTML in this new platform.
Unknown, at 2/06/2020 2:28 PM
I'd come back if you did! :)
A big hello to you and yours.
kc, at 3/12/2020 3:11 AM
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