A Thought for Encouragement in 2009
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. (1 John 3:2)
Let me take it apart before you in the way my mind has been rolling over it for months.
“now we are children of God…”
NOW!!! We are!!! Children of God!!! If we are saved as John the writer of this epistle expressed.. we have eternal life. We have it now! That is exciting. We have the very life of God within us. The dynamo of the Holy Spirit – the same power that raised the Son of God from the grave is residing within our being. We are His.
“it has not yet been revealed what we shall be…” (But wait, there’s more!)
It has not yet been revealed. Oh, thank God!!! I am so glad that the way I am -the way WE ARE- is not the end product. Oh thank you Lord, Jesus. It has not yet been revealed. This down payment that we have on eternity, this waiting state of having eternal life yet being attached to the stinking corpse of the old man is not the be-all, end-all. It is nice to read that. “Sanctification” as good as it gets here is still not anywhere near a complete picture of how we are going to end up. As it says: it has not yet been revealed what we shall be.
“but… when He is revealed, we shall be like Him…”
I have a feeling we are going to be hard pressed to even recognize ourselves. Jesus – that perfect man – that holy and powerful man – that compassionate and wise, soul-piercing man… we are going to be like him. Why? How?
“for we shall see Him as He is.”
Well, hallelujah. Wow. You mean I haven’t seen Him as He is yet? Have you? We who think we know Him so well. We have never even seen Him as He was, as the apostle John had. John saw Him when He began His earthly ministry. John saw Him in His pre-cross glorified state on the Mount of Transfiguration between Moses and Elijah. He also saw Jesus after He had come out of the grave and saw Him ascend to heaven. But even John refers to a time when “WE” (all the church and himself=we) shall see Him as He is.
The larger portion of the greatness of life with God lies ahead, dear brother and sister in Christ. Don't let the way things are with yourself or with the brethren get you down. He who began a good work in us is going to COMPLETE it.
All our darkness will be dealt with and melted away and we shall be like Him and see Him as He is!!! What a wonder to look forward to.
Great post Rose.
I agree thank God being in this stinking corpse is not the be-all end-all. And when I try to make this flesh do good on my own, I am cutting off the gospel of grace, the power of God unto salvation.
"NOW" we are children, what a reassuring statement!
I probably won't be back until next year. :)
Kris, at 12/31/2008 4:18 PM
What awsome declaration!
Happy new year!
In the abundance of his love,
J. Wendell, at 12/31/2008 9:05 PM
Awesome . . . can't wait to see Him, He is so beautiful! I like I Jn 3:1-3 in line with what you're saying as well; what a hope!
Happy New Year, Rose, and all!
Anonymous, at 1/01/2009 3:54 AM
Good stuff, Rose. Enjoyable post.
"Till all the ransomed church of God
Be saved to sin no more"
I often plead this (hymn) verse in prayer and think of our (first) "sin no more day"
Many years when I was out in Australia, we were returning home from a prayer meeting held "up country." We were near home when a rabbit ran out in front of the car. We missed the rabbit, but we took the fox that was about 2 yards behind. Whallop! I'm sure the wee rabbit soon caught on that the big bad fox wasn't on its tail anymore and when it lay on its back in some safe place with its wee heart thumping like mad, it said: "Thank God for Christian missionaries!"
Sin is ever pursuing the child of God. Relentlessly. In "that day" it will be taken off our backs for ever.
"Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20)
Colin Maxwell, at 1/01/2009 4:24 AM
Amen bro. Colin! Excellent analogy!!
Thank you Rose for this post. God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Wyatt, at 1/01/2009 9:23 AM
Thanks and I am glad you have come around the blogs lately. We missed you when you were away.
Thank you, John :~)
Rose~, at 1/02/2009 9:47 AM
Happy New Year to you too!
What a great comment! Your comment makes me think of how the devil persues us. I was thinking more of how inside our own being we have this person that is antithetical to the new nature. He is our old self... I am thinking of how the reease and final death of that guy is going to free us completely from the schitzophrenic state we sometimes feel that we are in. (Romans 7 etc...) When that day comes, I will never then have a wicked thought..or over-eat... or be lazy...
I will be like Him!
I do love your illustration. That is what a sudden release from the wiles of the devil will be like, I can imagine.
God bless you.
Rose~, at 1/02/2009 9:55 AM
Thank you so much for your visit, David. Happy New Year.
Rose~, at 1/02/2009 9:57 AM
I am going to think on this every day in 2009 - that is my New Years Resolution.
Rose~, at 1/02/2009 12:53 PM
Pretty girl!
:D Michele
Sanctification, at 1/03/2009 12:40 AM
Way to break it down, sister!
Preach on,
Steve Dehner, at 1/04/2009 12:39 AM
Hi Rose,
I see that you have a new picture on your blog. In the minature edition that we get, I thought for a moment that Dave Hunt had indeed come down to dwell among men and that you were among the front rank to meet him - nay! sit at the same table :o)
Colin Maxwell, at 1/04/2009 3:59 AM
Thanks, Michele. That is a nice thing to say. :~)
Welcome to this blog. I have read several of your posts and I am really glad that you have decided to blog. I think you will be blessing to many people. Thanks for visiting!!!
Hello. haha - that is the associate pastor of Christian Education from our church - Philip had brought him on when he first came to be our senior pastor. I never thought of him as looking like Dave Hunt. :~)
Rose~, at 1/05/2009 9:47 AM
Oh, Rose.... How that blessed me!!!
Have a wonderful New Year enjoying the One who is enjoying you!!!
Diane, at 1/08/2009 1:17 AM
Thank you. I am glad it blessed you! It blesses me everytime I think about it.
Rose~, at 1/13/2009 11:22 AM
Thanks for the encouraging words! Great stuff.
Jonathan, at 1/27/2009 6:01 PM
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