Let's be reasonable with one another, shall we?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Profile Pics Perhaps

ruff-ruff! ...................................... a rose is a rose...

christmas rose ................................... pale rose

the END


  • #2 or the one you already have

    By Blogger Shawn, at 12/10/2005 6:06 PM  

  • Well, the little dog-face rose kinda creeps me out. Maybe it's just that I'm really not fond of dogs.

    Of course, whatever you decide is OK by me, 'cause you're still one smart cookie.

    By Blogger Jeff H, at 12/10/2005 10:48 PM  

  • I like the one of you holding the "Debating Calvinism" book!


    By Blogger Antonio, at 12/10/2005 10:58 PM  

  • But then again, I would...

    By Blogger Antonio, at 12/10/2005 10:59 PM  

  • LOL Antonio!

    Thanks Shawn

    Jeff H - thanks for stopping by - haven't seen you in a long while. The dog one had a special meaning for me that only readers of the previous post would understand. It is creepy, isn't it?

    Photoshop is fun! I may have to play around a little more. Maybe I should just keep the pic I have and remove my freckles and give myself a Phtoshop nose-job!

    By Blogger Rose~, at 12/11/2005 12:17 AM  

  • #2 kinda makes you have a rosey black eye...

    By Blogger Antonio, at 12/11/2005 1:14 AM  

  • The pale one is sinister, like the cover of a Gothic Rock record.

    I hate animals, so dont choose the dog.

    The coloured one looks like modern art.

    Go for the flower.

    God Bless


    By Blogger Matthew Celestine, at 12/11/2005 4:09 AM  

  • Rose~
    I like the freckles, the nose and all the rest. Keep the original or maybe the green and red for a season, but lose the dogface flower no matter what...

    your fun to know,

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 12/11/2005 9:04 AM  

  • Hi Rose,

    Okay, so everyone else is changing their picture and I felt left out. Actually, I just changed over to my other on-line identity. So what do you think of this picture?


    By Blogger Cleopas, at 12/14/2005 11:02 PM  

  • Loren! I saw that there was a cleopas "team member" on your blog! I didn't know that it was an alter ego - another identity! Neat picture. Welcome Cleopas. (is that a Rembrandt?)

    By Blogger Rose~, at 12/14/2005 11:21 PM  

  • Hi Rose,

    Yes, it's Rembrandt - something, but I don't know if its the Rembrandt. (Actually it was supposed to be a picture of Paul).

    On my particular blog template, when you only have one team member, it automatically posts your entire profile in the side colums. Since I didn't want it to do that, I made up an alter ego. That way the system automatically lists the contributors instead.

    I like this picture because it says every mood I can imagine:

    1) I've really put some thought into this comment, question or answer.

    2) Hmm, your point is very good, I will really need to think about this one some more.

    2) Alright, I guess I have to admit I blew this one. Oy!

    2) Must you? I'm getting a head ache with all your silly questions :o)

    By Blogger Cleopas, at 12/15/2005 12:24 AM  

  • I think it is Paul. I like it! It does say so much ... so many different thngs could be going through his mind.

    So, Loren,
    Is "berry" also an alter-ego?

    By Blogger Rose~, at 12/15/2005 3:58 PM  

  • Hi Rose,

    No, Berry is a friend who talked me into blogging. I was visiting him in Dallas and he started POLD for me, then signed me on as a team member and showed me how it worked. If you click on his name it will show you his profile.

    By Blogger Cleopas, at 12/15/2005 10:17 PM  

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