The ‘One-Another’s of the Church
Have peace with one another
Love one another
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love
In honor, prefer one another
Be of the same mind one toward another
Let us not judge one another
Follow after the thing wherewith one may edify another
Be like-minded one to another
Receive ye one another
Admonish one another
Do not go to law with one another
Have the same care one for another
By love serve one another
Do not bite and devour one another
Do not provoke or envy one another
Forbear one another in love
Be kind to one another
Forgive one another
Submit yourselves to one another
In lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves
Lie not to one another
Teach one another
Increase and abound in love towards one another
Comfort one another
Exhort one another
Provoke one another unto love and good works
Speak not evil one of another
Grudge not one against another
Confess your faults to one another
Use hospitality one to another
The instruction to "love one another" is repeated more frequently than any of the others (10 times to be exact). A great challenge from the Lord ...
the END
A Great, Great, Great post! Thank you so very much for sharing it.
Brother Mark
mark pierson, at 12/16/2005 10:59 AM
Not very easy stuff.
Thanks for reminding me of this teaching.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 12/16/2005 11:04 AM
Bluecollar and Dyspraxic, thank you for doing this one:
encourage one another
(I don't think that one is listed! I must look it up and see if maybe there is a different word (exhort?) in the version that was used to compile this list)
You both are near and dear to my blog heart. :~)
Rose~, at 12/16/2005 12:33 PM
He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:10-12 NIV)
(the KJV uses the words comfort and edify in that verse, so that is where my confusion came in.)
Rose~, at 12/16/2005 12:37 PM
Hi Rose
If we all did those words we would be in Heaven..... But love cover them all
Great words Rose
forgiven, at 12/16/2005 1:55 PM
Does that mean that I am one of your Brother Blogger-Buddies?
How's that for alliteration?
mark pierson, at 12/16/2005 2:22 PM
Rose, thanks so much for this post. ;-)
Kc, at 12/16/2005 3:00 PM
In light of Matt.5:14-16 this post of yours is so near and dear to my heart. If the church (world wide)would begin to long to edify itself and love as Jesus commanded then we would finally realize that we are a "city on a hill".
Rose, You and your husband are a blessing to the Body of Christ! May God bless you both and your little family.
mark pierson, at 12/16/2005 8:56 PM
You are way too kind to me.
I'm glad that the powerful quality of this "study" impacted you like it did me.
We shouldn't bite and devour one another. That disturbs me more than anything in blogdom, which is a small reflection of the church. Far from being a city on a hill, when we do that to eachother, we become a reproach. We should be able to talk things over kindly.
Thanks for the nice words.
Rose~, at 12/17/2005 11:16 AM
Is that the picture of a Tulip? I'm so bad with flowers. :-)
mark pierson, at 12/17/2005 12:13 PM
forgiven and kc,
Thanks for reading this post and being blessed by it. You are a blessing. The Word of God tells us in the church to be a blessing one to another in all of these instructions.
Rose~, at 12/17/2005 11:15 PM
Hi Rose,
Thanks for the admonishment. Indeed the greatest of all is love.
Bhedr, at 12/18/2005 12:46 AM
Hi Brian!
Thanks for saying hi. You're welcome to disagree with me anytime or make disagreeable statements. As long as we do it in familial love, then it is a good thing. :~)
Rose~, at 12/18/2005 7:36 AM
you write:
If the church (world wide)would begin to long to edify itself and love as Jesus commanded then we would finally realize that we are a "city on a hill".
I thought that just in light of their regeneration, they will by necessity be that "city on a hill". I thought that God makes sure of that, by willing and working in them to do His pleasure. If they are not a "city on a hill" with their light shining, they are sinning. Is this, too, God's willing and working?
Well, in light of what I have read in Reformed literature, this wouldn't surprise me, nor should it any of you. God created sin and through his will, which is necessity, has determined each instance of it that occurs in all history.
Antonio, at 12/18/2005 5:43 PM
Amen what great verses.
Shawn, at 12/18/2005 6:10 PM
Hi Antonio!
Greet me when you visit my blog, OK? ... then you can pick on Mark, but be nice about it! He's my blogger buddy, just like you.
Thanks for the encouraging words. Thanks for reading and commenting, my friend.
Rose~, at 12/18/2005 11:44 PM
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