A very successful man (I can’t remember who right now) once said that the person who best deals with him is…
his tailor. He went on to explain that the reason he appreciated his tailor so much was that every time he dealt with the tailor, the tailor would take his measurements afresh and make his clothes according to his present shape. This man found that some people in his relationship did not keep so current with the changes that he underwent personally. They would treat him from year to year as though he never changed or grew, as though he were exactly the same as he ever was.
We should always keep in mind that people grow and change. Problems need not be perceived as permanent. Particular sins can be put out and overcome. This is especially true of those who have the Problem Solver in their lives, as they walk with Him.
Children are a great example. They give people a new chance every time they meet them. They
check each other out anew every time they come together. Each new school year in the primary grades can be a new chance to make friends they didn’t have the year before. They don’t hold grudges and they don’t retain bitterness based on taking up others’ offenses. They take each other’s measurements often and adjust accordingly. We should too! We should hope that trouble between people can be overcome as it rightly should be!
Problems are not permanent.I can think of a woman that wronged this mother I know. It was a gossip issue regarding her son that happened last year. It was very hurtful to the mother - you know how protective we mothers can be over our children. I haven’t seen the one who perpetrated the wrong since that time. I may not see her for another year or two. Actually, I don’t see either of them very much at all – neither is a close friend. Let’s say I run into the doer of this wrong 2 years from now. Should I hold it against her about the gossip incident? How would I know if the mother forgave her or not? Perhaps they worked it out. I might be ignorant of the details of this relationship between these ladies. For me to scorn this lady just because of something I heard two years ago would be inane. For starters, I never had her explanation of what happened in the first place. More importantly, people change! For all I know she repented, confessed her fault to the mother, they reconciled and they were now friends. Really, when we take up others’ offenses, this is the conundrum that we potentially face.
People change and things often get resolved. Actually, if we try to handle
offenses in the Lord’s way, things
do often get resolved and it is for the glory of God. May I and mine be mindful of this.
Problems are not permanent. God is growing us. Shame on us when we try to fit people with last years’ clothes.