Left and Right - the difference
The florist is pleased and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank you card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill, the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week." The cop is happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open up, there is a thank you card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Later a Republican comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept moneyfrom you; I'm doing community service this week." The Republican is very happy and leaves the shop. Next morning when the barber goes to open, there is a thank you card and a dozen different books such as "How to Improve Your Business" and "Becoming More Successful."
Then a Democrat comes in for a haircut, and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies: "I'm sorry, I cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week. The Democrat is very happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen Democrats lined up waiting for a free haircut. And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between left and right.
A little comic relief - not meant to offend.
Rose your new look here is wonderful. Your talent really shows through in not only the graphics but how well they compliment each other. Your site is truly a work of art. ;-)
(okay I do my best to avoid politics but yes I laughed hehe)
Kc, at 3/07/2006 3:05 PM
I am relieved! Comicly.
Joe, at 3/07/2006 3:17 PM
Very true.
Matthew Celestine, at 3/07/2006 3:27 PM
What Joe said.
Gordon, at 3/07/2006 3:41 PM
That is seriously so funny!!! Can I put a link to your joke on my blog?
Unknown, at 3/07/2006 3:55 PM
Thank you! Thank YOU! Thank you for your help in my understanding of templates, although it is still very limited. I have ideas in my mind, but how to make them go on a web page is tricksy!
Hi Joe!
I love your comments.
We are down to 2 word comments now ... so sad.
Hi Gordon,
I am glad that I could spread a little humor.
Of course! Help yourself.
Rose~, at 3/07/2006 5:44 PM
That's funny.
Did you hear about the new lawyer who was trying his case. The case involved the death of 24 pigs in a faulty barn. As he was describing this great loss. He tells the jury. "24 pigs have been lost, that's a great number of pigs. Do you realize how many pigs that is? It's twice as many pigs then are in the jury box."
Pa dup bum. :-)
When you have kids you joke level drops a bit. But it sure is fun.
Doug E., at 3/07/2006 6:29 PM
Hehe that is very clever.
Correy, at 3/07/2006 7:55 PM
Good one Rose...
J. Wendell, at 3/07/2006 8:01 PM
I heard this one a while back - very good. Sadly, many Christians behave as the Dems.
Jonathan Moorhead, at 3/07/2006 10:43 PM
thanks for stopping by, and the comment.
praying Chad, is getting better!
take care
jel, at 3/08/2006 6:21 AM
mark pierson, at 3/08/2006 7:51 AM
You come across as racist in this post, Rose.
Jeremy Weaver, at 3/08/2006 11:39 AM
Now that is 30% more confrontational!
The only thing is, it is not "coherent confrontationalism" - you know ... where you confront my real errors, with "many things to say to me."
Rose~, at 3/08/2006 12:08 PM
I think he is kidding around. He is being "confrontaional."
You are kidding or do you really think the joke is racist?
It was an email I got and did not think of it as racist, only political. :~)
Rose~, at 3/08/2006 12:24 PM
I thought is was political too... The e-mail never mentioned race.
There are only two races mentioned in the Bible... I think... the angelic, and the human race. Am I wrong?
J. Wendell, at 3/08/2006 1:29 PM
Hey Doug,
Thanks for the joke. You are right about the humor level when one has kids.
Hi Puritan Belief. Welcome. I hope you will come back again.
How do you mean? Share!
Chad had a colostomy, a tracheotomy and a feeding tube inserted yesterday. It still remains to be seen how permanent these will be. Thanks for asking and thanks for the prayer.
I am glad I am good for a laugh once in a while.
J. Wendell,
You keep me sane. :~)
Rose~, at 3/08/2006 2:26 PM
For some reason this reminds me of the story about the prodical that found himself feeding the pigs with nothing returned.
I have often felt that way.
bluhaze, at 3/08/2006 2:27 PM
Hi Ambiance,
Can you explain that a little: "with nothing returned"?
I am just not sure what you mean.
Rose~, at 3/08/2006 2:58 PM
Anonymous, at 3/08/2006 3:09 PM
No one else sees the racism in that joke?!
Jeremy Weaver, at 3/08/2006 4:27 PM
Maybe class-ism,
but not race-ism.
(Class-ism if I really pushed it.)
Your attempts at being confrontational are so dissapointing.
I will look for more scriptural based confrontation in the near future ... or will I wait in vain?
My sidebar is full of places for you to enter these "many things you have to say to me"
(I will never forget that comment)
:~) :~) :~)
Rose~, at 3/08/2006 4:32 PM
Move over Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter and Laura Ingraham...
There is a new Sheriff in town...
Her name-Rose Cole. The fate of Conservatism rests in her hand...
Watch out liberalism! Stay out of her way..."The Toledo Terror" is on the move!
mark pierson, at 3/09/2006 7:37 AM
You are funny!
"The Toldo Terror" - yea, that's me!
I am not clever enough to think of this on my own - it is just an email I received and posting it is because I am not inspired to write anything of my own at the moment.
Bless you, brother. :~)
Rose~, at 3/09/2006 10:35 AM
[quote]Hi Ambiance,
Can you explain that a little: "with nothing returned"?
Hey Rose,
I don't understand what is hard about it understanding it Rose. Read the parable.
He found himself in a strange country doing things for others and them not hardly giving him the time of day.
I have found myself in similar situations many times.
Sometimes you just have to come to your senses...just like that little guy.
I used to keep evagelists in my B&B for free when they were visiting..I very rarely even got a thank you.
Different little things like that...like I said..sometimes you just have to come to your senses.
bluhaze, at 3/09/2006 10:56 AM
lol...I got to thinking about how weird people are and figured I better clarify that I was simply trying to relate the doing something for little of nothing...and not calling evangelist pigs.
People are so weird when you don't explain your thoughts fully.
bluhaze, at 3/09/2006 11:18 AM
Yes, Ambiance,
the internet communication is sometimes a tricksy thing. It is very easy to be misunderstood. I know you didn't mean the evangelists were pigs. LOL.
Rose~, at 3/09/2006 12:07 PM
Hi Rose! First time visitor here, via Joe's blog. :)
I just spent a good deal of time reading through your TULIP posts. Very good reading.
I've come to detest the labels and try to steer away from placing myself into a 'camp.' I do know this, however - I once believed that all things were pretty much up to me, until about a year and a half ago.
God got hold of my heart and changed it. He's good at that. :) I believe Scripture shows that He is completely sovereign over His creation. I see through the glass darkly now, and don't even claim to understand how everything fits together.
But in stuyding His sovereignty, I do know that His plans and purposes will be accomplished, and He is in the heavens and does whatever He pleases. In and through all things, He will be glorified.
Anyway, sorry to ramble on so... You have a wonderful blog!
Anonymous, at 3/09/2006 3:26 PM
Oh Rose, just wanted to add that if you're interested, I have a couple of posts dealing with God's sovereignty, predestination etc.
You click on February 2005 in my archives, then scroll down to "Does God Have Two Wills?" parts one and two. :)
Anonymous, at 3/09/2006 3:37 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Matthew Celestine, at 3/09/2006 3:44 PM
Good afternoon, Rose~
Gayla, it is nice to see a new visitor to this blog.
I think you would find that none of us Christians who visit here regularly are of the opinion that 'all things are pretty much up to us.'
All orthodox Christians maintain that God is sovereign and that His will is going to be accomplished in the earth.
However, there is a big jump between affirming that God is in control and the Reformed position that everything that happens has been pre-ordained by God to happen.
Those of us who do not share a Reformed understanding of God's sovereignty would argue that the Reformed postion actually makes God appear weaker, because He can only be in control through absolute micro-management.
I went to a Calvinist church for about a year at one time. They were very keen to argue for a Reformed view of sovereignty. However, as I looked at the Scriptures it seemed to me to be very difficult to measure up their teaching with the Bible.
It is good to see you visiting here.
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 3/09/2006 3:45 PM
To post at the bottom of 32 other comments a similar message to all that came before me seems almost superfluous.
Never the less. I like the new look and the joke made me laugh. Thanks Rose.
Daniel, at 3/09/2006 3:53 PM
Yeah, funny joke. I read it to my family :)
The lawyer joke cracked up my husband, doug :)
Unknown, at 3/09/2006 8:25 PM
Hey I just took the time to really look at your banner.
It's very nice. Very nice touch.
Unknown, at 3/09/2006 8:27 PM
ha ha, good one. Some of us just cannot restrain from pitching our viewpoints even on a light post as this.
BTW, did you read my lastest post on the...just joking.
Jim, at 3/09/2006 9:34 PM
Hi Gayla,
Thanks for reading my posts in the sidebar. I don't like labels either. I can't find one that suits me. :~) Like Dyspraxic Fundamentalist... I also want to say that I don't think things are "pretty much up to me." I believe firmly in the sovereignty of God. Absolutely, He is the "be all, end-all" of the "everything" and He does what He wills. (That sounded really astute, didn't it?) Calvinists and I understand this concept differently, that is all.
So, are you saying that you hold to what are commonly known as the "Doctrines of Grace"?
Oh, oh, I just remembered, you told me I could go and read on your blog about this. I intend to do this. Thanks!! Thanks for reading and welcome - come back anytime!
Festive looking avatar, by the way. :~)
Hi Daniel!
Thank you for noticing the new look. That is much appreciated. Your comment is not superfluous. It lets me know that we are still "friends".
H.K. Flynn,
Thank you as well. That joke was funny. Good to see you!
Hi Jim,
I have been reading all of your posts and I really like your style of blogging. I don't like to be the first one to raise my hand in class, so I have been restraining myself a bit from answering your questions everytime ... just sort of holding back to see what others will say. {{{listening}}} as it were. :~)
Rose~, at 3/09/2006 9:50 PM
Rose, I definitely hold to the doctrine of grace. :)
I attend a church holding to reformed theology, heavy on the grace.
I don't know that we can ever fully understand how God's sovereignty fits together with 'free will' fits together with His abundant mercy and grace fits together with His justice and wrath.
His ways and thoughts are not ours, to be sure!
Those of us who do not share a Reformed understanding of God's sovereignty would argue that the Reformed postion actually makes God appear weaker, because He can only be in control through absolute micro-management.
I see Scripture as showing that God can/is in control in any manner He chooses to be in control. :) I invite you to also take a look at the posts I told Rose about. (on my blog) I'm always us up for a good discussion.
Anonymous, at 3/10/2006 12:09 PM
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