Puppies, Babies and Curmudgeons
Crying infants test my nerves.
However, one has to admit ... (don't they?) ... cute little babies ... and lovely little puppies ... are wonderful!
I was walking this morning at sunrise and I saw two puppies with two different owners in two different locations. In both instances, when I came upon them, I said softly, "Awwww, how cute." As each of the owners looked at me, we smiled at eachother. We had that mutual recognition of the dearness in a cute baby dog, wagging its body and making that sweet sound that puppies do when they want to be friendly.
After I had passed the second puppy, I started thinking about the curmudgeons. They don't like puppies. They don't like babies, either.
Who can resist the delightful face of a little baby ... smiling at you with its innocent, toothless grin, wanting to interact? Oh, they are so charming. When a baby is in a good mood, there is nothing like it. They smile with their whole little, wiggly body. They cannot be ignored.
How is it that some of us in the adult community have such hard hearts? Why is it that we can look at these appealing little creatures and not be attracted? If you can't pat the head of a puppy dog ... or at least smile at a little baby, you need to check your pulse.
Good morning, Rose! I hope you enjoyed your walk. :)
I instantly cave to both wih a smile, and typically a need to reach out and touch. So maybe I'm not as heartless as I often think I am!
Missy, at 6/28/2007 9:13 AM
Thank you, Missy.
Yes, I have enjoyed walking in them mornings this summer - it is very nice at that time. I do like to touch also!
Rose~, at 6/29/2007 10:13 AM
I really thought the Dyspraxic Fundamentalist would come by here and say something like: "I don't get on well with dogs or infants."
I am so dissapointed!
Rose~, at 6/29/2007 2:55 PM
Hi Rose! Puppies melt my heart. I think babies are cute, too, but prefer puppies. :-)
Dawn, at 6/30/2007 1:24 AM
DF used an exclamation point! What is the world coming to?!
Hi Dawn,
They are so cute! Awwww....
Rose~, at 6/30/2007 9:31 AM
OK, ‘n~stead of a smile or an aww... “How 'bout we start a multi-Billion dollar wholesale slaughter house for babies, and use the left over funds to protect the rights of puppies and other animals.”
1 Timothy 4:1-3
"Created in the image of God, indeed."
J. Wendell, at 7/01/2007 7:26 AM
John "OK, ‘n~stead of a smile or an aww... “How 'bout we start a multi-Billion dollar wholesale slaughter house for babies, and use the left over funds to protect the rights of puppies and other animals.”
It's horrific that we care more about saving the lives of animals than we do of babies. I say we should do both!
Isaiah 5:20-21 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"
Dawn, at 7/02/2007 9:51 AM
John and Dawn,
Yes - good point. How hypocritical we are in this country.
Rose~, at 7/06/2007 8:35 AM
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