Give me a greeting when you visit. I appreciate nice-ness.
You can address another blogger ... and even disagree with them, that is fine. All I ask is that you leave censure and hand-slapping to me.
Speak up ... about the posts.
Be nice!
Earl - As I write, teach Sunday School, I think of people like you in my audience. It gives me a sanity check of what I am saying. Would what I say pass the "crap" or sanity check of you or others that I know?
Todd - With blogs like this one there is plenty to be hopeful for in the blogsphere.
Matthew - Its nice to read an edifying Christian blog ... You are so level-headed.
Mark - You're real! The blogosphere needs more real people like you around.
Loren - I'll bet you stay up late nights thinking about all the theology that must be swimming through your head. I just want to say that it's great to see the ways in which God is challenging you, and using you to minister through your blog. The things you, and others here, have shared, are very thought provoking!
Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
Rose~NW Ohio, USA
I am 43 and I have 4 kids and a husband. I am trying to live life wisely and learn more about the ways of God. I am too intolerant for the doctrine dissers and too lovey-dovey for the ultra-separatist pugnacious types.View my complete profile
Is that a horse, or a donkey? If it's a donkey, it means that the Dems expect us to pull their weight, and at the same time eat our lunch! (Hence, the empty grocery cart.)
Matt's right: capitalism works! The trouble is, some folks have a hard time giving it a chance!
You mean the contract provisos that Lorship Salvation advocates place on potential converts before they can be saved?
The Council at Jerusalem as it considers the issue of Lordship Salvation Acts 15:1-29 / By which it condemns it)
Acts 15:7,8, 10-11 Peter rose up and said to them... "...God... purif[ies] [our] hearts by faith. Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they."
First thought : You can't stop the shopper (the one with the lust of the eyes) in you!!! It will overcome you and you will be poor because of it. I noticed this when I reflected on the year today that we spent so much on many things and I want to be more frugal in my spending so I can give to more missionary work. I'm praying to be one who values things for their eternal good.
Then I opened it up and thought Wow to matthew's statement, because it was totally different than my first thought.
Interesting so you don't believe the civil magistrate should choose the price of goods and services for all of us and that it shouldn't be based on the intrinsic value of it's good towards us rather than how cheaply it can be made. ;-))))))
I didn't think so, but I noticed this was Jonathan Edwards view of supply and demand and prices in some of his statements on economics. Kind of weird huh and foreign to us. Kind of surprising to me how people think about things in the past.
Shawn Consumerism is good because it produces the wealth that funds missionary work. You cannot give to missionary work if you have no money anyway. Wealth comes from industry and industry comes from demand.
Yeah, the Puritans were more heavily influence by Medieval Catholic theology (and the European Calvinists at the time). One of the holy grails of Scholastic theology was to discover the 'just price' of goods.
You can not do it because people will invest time in producing those goods that are desired, regardless of the effort that goes into producing them. Value is determined by the consumer, not the producer.
Cart before the horse...everything else before love. We all know that no matter what's in the cart if it's not being brought with love it's just like any other empty basket. ;-)
Dyspraxic Fundamentalist, Great interpretation of the picture! I think free market economies are the best. Thanks for caring about my posts.
Cleopas, (I miss Loren), John and I read these comments together just now and he laughed out loud at your input! It is so true.
Antonio, "The cart before the horse" is exactly the saying that I was thinking about in reference to this picture. I didn't, however think of your particular take on the saying. I like the scripture you quoted. John quotes that scripture weekly these days with all the exposure lately to Lordship Salvation.
The Doxoblogist! It is so funny that you would mention your pet theology. ;~) That particular concept is why I Googled the phrase "cart before the horse" months ago and found this picture. :~) Good to see you!
Ethereal Chicken (bluecollar), Hey! Good to see you as well! ;~)
Shawn, That is also an interesting take on the pic. The horse does look kind of poor, does he not? Overspending is a real problem in the US. People are in debt up to their eyeballs and it is not a healthy thing. Thanks for sharing!
Ambiance-Five, Your thinking is a bit like Antonio? That kind of surprised me, just a little. It is neat getting to know you better. :~)
kc, Your comment is the best of all. I just heard a reference to "giving" today that your comment reminded me of. The teacher was saying that all our giving is in vain if we don't have the love of Christ operating in our hearts. I love the brothers and sisters. May I love them more, Lord.
Daniel, This avatar is not "incredulous" like your other one, but it reminds me of Ghandi. What does it mean? Now, how could that pic make you think of easy believism? Nice to see your bald head over here! :~)
J. Wendell, You give away my thoughts! Glad to see your summer face on my blog again.
My first thought: It does seem like the cart before the horse, Now for the But: but what if the horse does a 180 and tries to pull the cart (or buggy).. The way he is connected to it, he will constantly be looking back at the cart he is pulling. Which I am sure is very tiring and burdensome!
Hi Todd, so nice of you to drop in and say "hi". I think the pony express would have pretty inneficient with those kind of wagons! Cute, though. :~)
Hello T.B. Vick, Welcome to my little blog. For your first visit, why must you have confounded my brain? I don't get it! Rene Descartes was sort of a doubter by nature, was he not? Please, T.B. Vick (or anyone else out there!) ELIGHTEN US!
Hi Joe, I like you. Now I think of my three kids when I see the picture.
Gordon Cloud, In the south, you have "grocery buggies"? That is nuts! Yes, the cart is quite lacking in hay, not good for the horse. It is so empty. Thanks for visiting!
Susan, Thanks for dropping by! I have seen you over at Daniel's blog. That is such a cute picture of you. I really like your entry about Walmart and wishing the horse could shop for you! It would sure free up some time, would it not? I have three samll kids and I am hoping that one day they can pitch in and free up a little time for me! I have no horses, though ...
Hello Linda, It is nice to see a couple of ladies here. I saw your blog, it looks very nice. I now look at the picture with your thoughts in mind and I think that horse would get pretty tangled up! Thanks for the visit!
Descartes is known for saying cogito ergo sum "I think therefore I am." This is a type of philosophical "horse before the cart" since one must be before one can think therefore, Descartes put "de cart" before "de horse."
It is true that I just stated my first thought directly as it appeared in my brain. I am not really poor, but sometimes I feel like I am not good at giving more to what I really desire to give to. Something for all of us to pray about during the year.
The benefits of capitalism and free market economics.
This here beast of burden works very hard, but when he gets paid, he can go shopping and buy nice things.
Consumerism is great. People should stop messing with the free market.
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 1/28/2006 1:14 PM
Rose~, can I say, I have been waiting for the latest post with great anticipation. I am glad it is here.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 1/28/2006 1:15 PM
Is that a horse, or a donkey? If it's a donkey, it means that the Dems expect us to pull their weight, and at the same time eat our lunch! (Hence, the empty grocery cart.)
Matt's right: capitalism works! The trouble is, some folks have a hard time giving it a chance!
Cleopas, at 1/28/2006 1:40 PM
The Cart Before the Horse?
You mean the contract provisos that Lorship Salvation advocates place on potential converts before they can be saved?
The Council at Jerusalem as it considers the issue of Lordship Salvation Acts 15:1-29 / By which it condemns it)
Acts 15:7,8, 10-11
Peter rose up and said to them... "...God... purif[ies] [our] hearts by faith. Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they."
Antonio, at 1/28/2006 2:20 PM
The cart of conversion before the horse of regeneration.
I can turn anything into a discussion of my pet doctrine too!
Jeremy Weaver, at 1/28/2006 6:47 PM
Hi Rose!
Don't know nothin' 'bout politics.
Don't know nothin''bout religion.
Just stoppin'by to say "Hey"
Ethereal Chicken
mark pierson, at 1/28/2006 6:51 PM
First thought : You can't stop the shopper (the one with the lust of the eyes) in you!!! It will overcome you and you will be poor because of it. I noticed this when I reflected on the year today that we spent so much on many things and I want to be more frugal in my spending so I can give to more missionary work. I'm praying to be one who values things for their eternal good.
Then I opened it up and thought Wow to matthew's statement, because it was totally different than my first thought.
Interesting so you don't believe the civil magistrate should choose the price of goods and services for all of us and that it shouldn't be based on the intrinsic value of it's good towards us rather than how cheaply it can be made. ;-))))))
I didn't think so, but I noticed this was Jonathan Edwards view of supply and demand and prices in some of his statements on economics. Kind of weird huh and foreign to us. Kind of surprising to me how people think about things in the past.
Shawn, at 1/29/2006 1:36 AM
Consumerism is good because it produces the wealth that funds missionary work. You cannot give to missionary work if you have no money anyway.
Wealth comes from industry and industry comes from demand.
Yeah, the Puritans were more heavily influence by Medieval Catholic theology (and the European Calvinists at the time). One of the holy grails of Scholastic theology was to discover the 'just price' of goods.
You can not do it because people will invest time in producing those goods that are desired, regardless of the effort that goes into producing them. Value is determined by the consumer, not the producer.
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 1/29/2006 12:12 PM
John MacArthur?
bluhaze, at 1/29/2006 12:58 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Shawn, at 1/29/2006 3:07 PM
Bye the way I believe in Free market and agree it does seem to be the best system that I know of right now.
Shawn, at 1/29/2006 3:09 PM
Cart before the horse...everything else before love. We all know that no matter what's in the cart if it's not being brought with love it's just like any other empty basket. ;-)
Kc, at 1/29/2006 5:09 PM
That is good, Shawn.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 1/29/2006 5:09 PM
You mean the contract provisos that Lorship Salvation advocates place on potential converts before they can be saved?
And here I was going to say easy believism! ;P
Daniel, at 1/29/2006 5:39 PM
Why don't you put a sheep in that cart?
brother John~
J. Wendell, at 1/29/2006 6:52 PM
Dyspraxic Fundamentalist,
Great interpretation of the picture! I think free market economies are the best. Thanks for caring about my posts.
Cleopas, (I miss Loren),
John and I read these comments together just now and he laughed out loud at your input! It is so true.
"The cart before the horse" is exactly the saying that I was thinking about in reference to this picture. I didn't, however think of your particular take on the saying. I like the scripture you quoted. John quotes that scripture weekly these days with all the exposure lately to Lordship Salvation.
The Doxoblogist!
It is so funny that you would mention your pet theology. ;~)
That particular concept is why I Googled the phrase "cart before the horse" months ago and found this picture. :~)
Good to see you!
Ethereal Chicken (bluecollar),
Hey! Good to see you as well!
Rose~, at 1/29/2006 7:15 PM
That is also an interesting take on the pic. The horse does look kind of poor, does he not? Overspending is a real problem in the US. People are in debt up to their eyeballs and it is not a healthy thing. Thanks for sharing!
Your thinking is a bit like Antonio? That kind of surprised me, just a little. It is neat getting to know you better. :~)
Your comment is the best of all. I just heard a reference to "giving" today that your comment reminded me of. The teacher was saying that all our giving is in vain if we don't have the love of Christ operating in our hearts. I love the brothers and sisters. May I love them more, Lord.
This avatar is not "incredulous" like your other one, but it reminds me of Ghandi. What does it mean? Now, how could that pic make you think of easy believism?
Nice to see your bald head over here! :~)
J. Wendell,
You give away my thoughts! Glad to see your summer face on my blog again.
Rose~, at 1/29/2006 7:24 PM
Hi Rose,
"Where's the pony express lane"?
Todd Saunders, at 1/29/2006 9:11 PM
It reminds me of the philosopher Rene Descartes! (see if anyone gets that)
T.B. Vick, at 1/30/2006 12:01 AM
Being simple of mind, it just reminds me of horsin' around at the grocery store.
Joe, at 1/30/2006 8:34 AM
I'll bet that horse is wishing it was a hay wagon instead of a grocery cart. (Incidentally, here in the South, it is a "buggy" not a cart.)
Gordon, at 1/30/2006 9:59 AM
My first thought: It does seem like the cart before the horse,
Now for the But: but what if the horse does a 180 and tries to pull the cart (or buggy).. The way he is connected to it, he will constantly be looking back at the cart he is pulling. Which I am sure is very tiring and burdensome!
Linda, at 1/30/2006 3:42 PM
Hi Todd,
so nice of you to drop in and say "hi". I think the pony express would have pretty inneficient with those kind of wagons! Cute, though. :~)
Hello T.B. Vick,
Welcome to my little blog. For your first visit, why must you have confounded my brain? I don't get it! Rene Descartes was sort of a doubter by nature, was he not? Please, T.B. Vick (or anyone else out there!) ELIGHTEN US!
Hi Joe,
I like you. Now I think of my three kids when I see the picture.
Gordon Cloud,
In the south, you have "grocery buggies"? That is nuts! Yes, the cart is quite lacking in hay, not good for the horse. It is so empty. Thanks for visiting!
Rose~, at 1/30/2006 4:16 PM
Thanks for dropping by! I have seen you over at Daniel's blog. That is such a cute picture of you.
I really like your entry about Walmart and wishing the horse could shop for you! It would sure free up some time, would it not? I have three samll kids and I am hoping that one day they can pitch in and free up a little time for me! I have no horses, though ...
Hello Linda,
It is nice to see a couple of ladies here. I saw your blog, it looks very nice. I now look at the picture with your thoughts in mind and I think that horse would get pretty tangled up! Thanks for the visit!
Rose~, at 1/30/2006 4:24 PM
Wow, I had not thought about that, Rose~!
Most of your regular visitors are men!
How do you cope with us?
Matthew Celestine, at 1/30/2006 5:54 PM
Descartes is known for saying cogito ergo sum "I think therefore I am." This is a type of philosophical "horse before the cart" since one must be before one can think therefore, Descartes put "de cart" before "de horse."
ok, that was pretty silly! ;-)
T.B. Vick, at 1/30/2006 8:32 PM
It is true that I just stated my first thought directly as it appeared in my brain. I am not really poor, but sometimes I feel like I am not good at giving more to what I really desire to give to. Something for all of us to pray about during the year.
Shawn, at 1/30/2006 11:10 PM
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