The first passage below is about God’s people, Israel, and how they were trying to fill themselves up with that which was not satisfying ... as they denied the one true God. I see a picture of a person pouring water into a broken pitcher. The water will escape them, they will have nothing. It is a picture of utter frustration. On the other hand, the fountain of living water (which figure of speech Jesus expands in the passage from John) is “springing up.” Not only does the fountain provide water for the one with it, it also flows out from him to others. What a contrast!
13 “ For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns - broken cisterns that can hold no water. (Jeremiah 2)
13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4)
That is great.
Matthew Celestine, at 8/21/2007 10:19 AM
He is great!
Rose~, at 8/21/2007 11:26 AM
Very reasonable :)
BTW, I found out my wife reads blogs more than I had thought. She said she really liked "Rose's" blog the best, she says she relates more to your thoughts, I do to and J. Wendell, but she never comments.
Another BTW, I had a dog named Luke for 15 years, I had to decide to put him to sleep last Friday. I wrote short note and posted a picture on my know that site that is active twice a year :)
Kris, at 8/23/2007 1:50 AM
Thank you Kris.
That is nice what your wife says!
Your poor family. Losing a dog is really tough. I will go and see his picture and pay my respects. God bless.
Rose~, at 8/23/2007 10:33 AM
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