Only Jesus/Calvary’s Love

Only Jesus, Only He
Brings redemption, full and free
There’s a yearning in all our lives
That only Jesus satisfies
Calvary’s love will sail forever
Bright and Shining, strong and free
Like an ark of peace and safety
On the sea of human need
Through the hours of all the ages

Those tired of sailing on their own
Finally rest inside the shadow
Cast by Calvary’s love
Across their souls
Calvary’s love, Calvary’s love
Priceless gift Christ makes us worthy of
The deepest sin can’t rise above
Calvary’s love
Calvary’s love can heal the spirit
Life has crushed and cast aside
And redeemed till heaven’s promise

Fills with joy once empty eyes
So desire to tell the story
Of a love that loved enough to die
Burns away all other passions and
Fed by Calvary’s love
Becomes a fire
Calvary’s love has never faltered
All its wonders still remain
Souls still take eternal passage
Sins atoned and heaven gained
Sins atoned and heaven gained
A particular woman from Northwest Ohio went to a concert given by a certain singer at a specific church with a particular man, her husband, and their three kids. The singer spoke about the Lord and sang to his glory. He sang about the universe that our Holy God has created and how that God will finish the work He has started within our lives. He sang two songs in Spanish. This woman had no idea what he was singing in these two songs, but they sounded good! He spoke about how we are very aware that Christ died for our sins, but that we need to think about how He also died for our best. That is to say, even what we offer Him that is our best, is still tainted with sin and He died to redeem even these works. It was a great concert. The woman spoken of in this post was heard to say that she enjoyed the worship experience thoroughly and recognized that it was all to the glory of God, even her enjoyment.
Question: 1. What is the chief end of man?
Answer: Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever.
Sound stuff.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 10/30/2005 7:35 AM
Thank you!
mark pierson, at 10/30/2005 3:29 PM
Great post!
Also, I love that first catechism question from the Westinster Catechism and Spurgeon's Catechism.
Earl Flask, at 10/30/2005 8:42 PM
Tell me the songs and I can translate them for you.
Jeremy Weaver, at 10/31/2005 7:39 AM
It went something like this:
Para ser elegido para la vida eterna, hay que creer en el hijo de Dios. Dios hace una oferta de salvación a toda la gente. No hay ninguna persona que no puede venir a la fe y confiar en el hijo de Dios. Jesús ha muerto para los pecados del mundo entero. Él ha pagado el castigo para usted y para mí. Hay perdón que espera a cada pecador. Deben preguntarle sólo. No resista a la gracia de Jesús. Él llama toda la gente. Véngale y encuentre la vida eterna.
Doesn't that sound beautiful?
Rose~, at 10/31/2005 4:39 PM
I've been to a couple Steve Green concerts. They were a blessing
Those were pretty pictures.
Bhedr, at 10/31/2005 9:05 PM
Hi Rose,
I'd be interested to see the translation of those songs if Jeremy can help out. But in the meantime, why were they so appealing to you?
loren, at 10/31/2005 11:08 PM
I don't believe Steve green would sing a song like that!
Jeremy Weaver, at 11/01/2005 12:32 PM
Why Jeremy, what does it say? You said you would translate it for me ... and Loren is waiting. :~)
Rose~, at 11/01/2005 12:40 PM
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